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Missouri License Plate Tab Colors

rhamcaliofo1975 2020. 11. 27. 02:53

SUMMARY: Missouri License Plates
  1. Missouri License Plate Tab Colors List
  2. Missouri License Plate Tab Colors Chart

You can apply for MO license plates by registering your vehicle in person at a licensing office or through your vehicle dealer. You'll renew your tags by renewing your registration online, by mail, or in person. You can transfer Missouri plates when you get a new vehicle. You must replace license plates or tabs if they are lost, stolen, or damaged.

Read below for more information about license plates and tags in Missouri.

The design commemorates Missouri’s 200th anniversary of statehood on August 10, 2021. The color palette honors the Missouri state flag with the use of red, white, and blue. The new Missouri license plate will be available starting on January 1, 2019. Missouri introduced the slogan SHOW ME STATE in 1980 and this slogan is still used today. License plate colors for Missouri were: yellow, Red, Blue, White, green, Black, Orange, Dark Blue, Light Green, Orange, Brown, Gray, Tan, Black, Tan and Maroon. Tips on using Missouri license plates. The plates for passenger vehicles have month coding. The first letter in the plate number corresponds to the month of expiration: A and B are for January, C is for February and so on. The plates must have a year tab (displaying the year of license expiration), which is coded by color. As you can see.

Looking for personalized or vanity plates? Best drum machine software for metal. Find complete details on our Missouri Specialty Plates and Specialty Plate Applications pages.

Applying for disabled parking access? Our Disabled Plates and Placards page has more information about eligibility and applications.

Types of Missouri License Plates

Most vehicles are required to display MO license plates form the Missouri Department of Revenue (DOR).

Some vehicles must have a tag both on the front AND the rear. Others will only need a rear license plate. The MO DOR will issue the correct number of tags for your vehicle.

In addition to license plates, you'll receive a color-coded registration tab showing the plate's expiration date to put on your license plate.

Specialty Plates

In addition to standard license plates, the MO DOR offers:

  • Personalized plates.
  • Organizational plates.
  • Military honor plates.

To learn more about Missouri tag options, see our Types of Special MO Plates page. Visit our Special Plates Application page for more information about applying.

You may be eligible for handicap parking plates if you have a disability. Get complete details from our Disability Placards and Plates page.

Temporary Tags and Permits

A temporary tag allows you to operate your vehicle for up to 30 days while waiting for your MO license plates.

Your vehicle dealer will give you a temporary tag if you do not have license plates to transfer.

If you buy a vehicle in a private sale, you can get a temporary permit in person at MO license office. You will need:

  • A valid safety inspection certificate dated within the last 60 days UNLESS any of the following apply:
    • You present a Manufacturer's Statement of Origin (MSO).
    • You are NOT a Missouri resident.
    • The permit is for a trailer.
  • A current insurance identification card.
  • 1 document from the list below:
    • The vehicle title signed over to you.
    • The MSO.
    • A bill of sale or notice of sale.
    • An Application for Missouri Title and License (Form DOR-108).
  • Payment for fees:
    • $5 permit fee.
    • $6 processing fee.

Attach the temporary tag where you would normally attach the license plate.

Apply for License Plates in MO

Applying for MO license plates is part of the vehicle registration process.

You'll need to title and register your vehicle with the MO DOR no more than:

  • 30 days from the day you establish Missouri residency.
  • 30 days from the date you buy a vehicle.

For complete details, see our Vehicle Registration page.

Renew Your License Plates

You'll renew your Missouri license plates by renewing your vehicle registration.

You should get a registration reminder, but even if you don't, you must renew your plates before your tab expires.

Our Registration Renewal page has detailed information about renewal methods, requirements, and fees.

Replace Missouri Plates or Tabs

If your license plates or expiration decals have been lost, stolen, or damaged, you can order replacements from the MO DOR either:

  • By mail.
  • In person.

You MUSTreport lost or stolen plates to your local law enforcement agency.

To order replacement license plates and/or tabs, you will need:

  • A notarized Application for Replacement Plate(s) and Tab(s) (Form 1576).
  • Payment for replacement fees:
    • Replacement fees:
      • Stolen plate or tabs: Are replaced for free (no more than 2 replacements per year).
      • License plate: $8.50 per plate.
      • Set of tabs: $11 per set.
    • Processing fee: $6 for ALL transactions.

Submit your order:

  • By mail to the address on the form.
  • In person at a MO license office.

You will receive a Replacement Plate Permit that allows you to operate your vehicle while waiting for your replacement license plates.

NOTE: If you find your missing plates or tabs after ordering replacements, they will be invalid and you must surrender them to the MO DOR.

Transfer or Surrender Tags

You can transfer your license plates Premiere pro serial number. from a vehicle you own or owned to another vehicle in your name when you register the vehicle you've just bought.

The fee to transfer plates is $2, PLUS any other taxes, title, or registration fees that apply.

Let your vehicle dealer or MO license office agent know that you have tags to transfer.

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You CANNOT transfer license plates to the person who buys your vehicle. Epson cartridge resetter software.

If you no longer need your license plates because you have moved to another state, you can do any of the following:

  • Destroy and recycle them.
  • Surrender them in person at a Missouri license office.
  • Surrender them by mail to:
  • Missouri Department of Revenue
    ATTN: License Plate Surrender
    301 West High Street, Room 370
    Jefferson City, MO 65105

You must surrender lost, stolen, or damaged license plates when you order replacements.

You may have to surrender plates if you get a different plate type, such as a disability parking plate or personalized plate.

Fees for License Plates in MO

  • New standard license plates AND annual renewal:
    • Passenger vehicles: Varies by taxable horsepower. See our Vehicle Registration page for a complete list.
    • Motorcycles (2 wheels): $8.75 + $6 processing fee.
    • Motorcycles (3 wheels): $10.25 + $6 processing fee.
    • Recreation vehicles (RVs): $32.25 + $6 processing fee.
    • Trailers: $7.50 + $6 processing fee.
  • Replacements:
    • Stolen plates: Free replacement + $6 processing fee.
    • License plates: $8.50 per plate + $6 processing fee.
    • Decals: $11 per decal + $6 processing fee.
  • Transfer fee: $2.



Missouri License Plate Tab Colors List

Application for Missouri Title and License
Missouri DOR's application for an original title AND/OR registration, duplicate title, registration renewal, OR transfer of license plates.
Application for Replacement Plates and Tabs
Request replacement Missouri license plates AND/OR tabs from the DOR. Must be notarized.

This form is provided by your state's agency/department.

Please select one of the below to continue:

Email the link to this form
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Current series
SloganBicentennial 1821 * 2021
Size12 in × 6 in
30 cm × 15 cm
Serial formatAA1 B2C (month-coded)
IntroducedOctober 15, 2018
Issued byMissouri Department of Revenue
First issuedMarch 9, 1911
(pre-state plates from 1907 to March 8, 1911)

The U.S. state of Missouri first required its residents to register their motor vehicles in 1907. Registrants provided their own license plates for display until 1911, when the state began to issue plates.[1]

Plates are currently manufactured at the Jefferson City Correctional Center and are issued by the Missouri Department of Revenue.[2] Front and rear plates are required on all vehicles except for motorcycles.

  • 1Passenger baseplates
  • 2Month coding
  • 4Previous non-passenger plates

Passenger baseplates[edit]

1911 to 1948[edit]

ImageDates issuedDescriptionSerial formatSerials issuedNotes
1911Embossed unpainted aluminum serial on yellow plate; 'MISSOURI 1911' at bottom123451 to approximately 16500
1912Embossed white serial on red plate; 'MO 12' at right123451 to approximately 24500
1913Embossed white serial on dark blue plate; 'MO 13' at right123451 to approximately 36000
1914Embossed black serial on white plate; 'MO 14' at right123451 to approximately 51000
1915Embossed black serial on bright green plate; 'MO 15' at right123451 to approximately 73000
1916Embossed white serial on black plate; 'MO 16' at right1234561 to approximately 103000
1917Embossed black serial on gold plate; 'MO 17' at right1234561 to approximately 151000
1918Embossed blue serial on white plate; 'MO 18' at right1234561 to approximately 185000
1919Embossed white serial on dark blue plate with border line; 'MO 19' at right1234561 to approximately 243000
1920Embossed black serial on light green plate with border line; 'MO. 1920' centered at bottom123-4561 to approximately 309-000
1921Embossed red serial on white plate with border line; 'MO. 1921' centered at bottom123-4561 to approximately 350-000
1922Embossed white serial on brown plate with border line; 'MO. 1922' centered at bottom123-4561 to approximately 355-000
1923Embossed light blue serial on black plate with border line; 'MO. 1923' centered at bottom123-4561 to approximately 431-000
1924Embossed black serial on orange plate with border line; 'MO. 1924' centered at bottom123-4561 to approximately 495-000
1925Embossed white serial on dark green plate with border line; 'MO. 1925' centered at bottom123-4561 to approximately 550-000
1926Embossed black serial on yellow plate with border line; 'MO. 1926' centered at bottom123-4561 to approximately 595-000
1927Embossed white serial on dark blue plate with border line; 'MO. 1927' centered at bottom123-4561 to approximately 606-000
1928Embossed purple serial on orange plate with border line; 'MO. 1928' centered at bottom123-4561 to approximately 631-000
1929Embossed white serial on black plate with border line; 'MO. 1929' centered at bottom123-4561 to approximately 662-000
1930Embossed white serial on brown plate with border line; 'MISSOURI 1930' at bottom123-4561 to approximately 699-000
1931Embossed black serial on gray plate with border line; '1931 MISSOURI' at bottom123-4561 to approximately 659-000
1932Embossed white serial on black plate with border line; 'MISSOURI 1932' at bottom123-4561 to approximately 657-000
1933Embossed beige serial on brown plate with border line; '1933 MISSOURI' at bottom123-4561 to approximately 598-000
1934Embossed white serial on black plate with border line; 'MO–1934' centered at bottom123-4561 to approximately 627-000
1935Embossed white serial on dark green plate with border line; 'MO–1935' centered at top123-4561 to approximately 655-000
1936Embossed black serial on white plate with border line; 'MISSOURI-1936' at bottom123-4561 to approximately 678-000
1937Embossed white serial on black plate with border line; '19 MISSOURI 37' at top123-4561 to approximately 697-000
1938Embossed black serial on buff plate with border line; '19 MISSOURI 38' at bottom123-4561 to approximately 715-000
1939Embossed buff serial on black plate with border line; 'MISSOURI-1939' at top123-4561 to approximately 731-000
1940Embossed black serial on white plate with border line; 'MISSOURI-1940' at bottom123-4561 to approximately 767-000
1941Embossed white serial on black plate with border line; 'MISSOURI-1941' at top123-4561 to approximately 821-000
1942–43Embossed black serial on white plate with border line; 'MISSOURI-1942' at bottom123-4561 to approximately 820-000Embossed plates revalidated for 1943 with green tabs due to metal conservation for World War II; fiberboard plates manufactured for the same reason.
Black serial on white fiberboard plate; 'MISSOURI-1942' centered at bottom820-001 to approximately 865-000
1944Embossed yellow serial on black plate with border line; 'MISSOURI-1944' at top123-4561 to approximately 696-000
1945Embossed black serial on buff plate with border line; 'MISSOURI-1945' at bottom123-4561 to approximately 697-000
1946Embossed white serial on black plate with border line; '1946-MISSOURI' at bottom123-4561 to approximately 774-000
1947Embossed black serial on white plate with border line; 'MISSOURI-1947' at top123-4561 to approximately 828-000
1948Embossed white serial on maroon plate with border line; 'MISSOURI-1948' at bottom123-4561 to approximately 871-000

1949 to 1967[edit]

In 1956, the United States, Canada, and Mexico came to an agreement with the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators, the Automobile Manufacturers Association and the National Safety Council that standardized the size for license plates for vehicles (except those for motorcycles) at 6 inches (15 cm) in height by 12 inches (30 cm) in width, with standardized mounting holes.[3] The 1955 (dated 1956) issue was the first Missouri license plate that complied with these standards.

ImageDates issuedDescriptionSerial formatSerials issuedNotes
1949–55Embossed white serial on maroon plate with border line; 'MISSOURI' centered at top; month of expiration at top left123-4561 to
Staggered registration introduced. All plates validated for 1949 with orange tabs, for 1950 with green tabs, for 1951 with white tabs, and for 1952 with black tabs. Plates expiring between January and August were validated for 1953 with maroon tabs, while those expiring between September and December were validated for that year with stickers. All plates were then validated for 1954 and 1955 with stickers.
A12-345Letter corresponds to month of expiration
1956–61Embossed yellow serial on black plate with border line; month of expiration at top left and 'MO' at top right123-4561 to
Validated with stickers each year.
First letter corresponds to month of expiration
1962–67Embossed white serial on maroon plate with border line; 'MISSOURI' centered at top; month of expiration at top left and white box at top right containing debossed '62'AA1-234First letter corresponds to month of expirationValid without stickers in 1962, then revalidated with stickers each year thereafter.

Missouri License Plate Tab Colors Chart

1968 to 1979[edit]

ImageDates issuedDescriptionSloganSerial formatSerials issuedNotes
1968Embossed white serial on green plate with border line; 'MISSOURI' centered at bottom; month of expiration at bottom left and '68' at bottom rightnoneAA1-234First letter corresponds to month of expiration
1969Embossed green serial on white plate with border line; 'MISSOURI' centered at top; '69' at top left and month of expiration at top rightnoneAA1-234First letter corresponds to month of expiration
1970Embossed black serial on white plate with border line; 'MISSOURI' centered at bottom; month of expiration at bottom left and '70' at bottom rightnoneA1A-234First letter corresponds to month of expiration
1971Embossed white serial on maroon plate with border line; 'MISSOURI' centered at top; month of expiration at top left and '71' at top rightnoneAA1-234First letter corresponds to month of expiration
1972Embossed blue serial on reflective white plate with border line; 'MISSOURI' centered at top; month of expiration at top left and '72' at top rightnoneA1A-234First letter corresponds to month of expiration
1973Embossed maroon serial on reflective white plate with border line; 'MISSOURI' centered at bottom; month of expiration at bottom left and '73' at bottom rightnoneAA1-234First letter corresponds to month of expiration
1974Embossed black serial on reflective white plate with border line; 'MISSOURI' centered at top; '74' at top left and month of expiration at top rightnoneA1A-234First letter corresponds to month of expiration
1975Embossed blue serial on reflective white plate with border line; 'MISSOURI' centered at bottom; '75' at bottom left and month of expiration at bottom rightnoneAA1-234First letter corresponds to month of expiration
1976Embossed reflective (glass-beaded) yellow serial on blue plate with border line; 'MISSOURI' centered at top, month of expiration at top left and '76' at top rightnoneA1A-234First letter corresponds to month of expiration
1977Embossed reflective (glass-beaded) white serial on red plate with border line; embossed white stylized '76' and flag stripes centered at top; 'MO' at top left and '77' and month of expiration at top right'200 YRS' at top left, below state abbreviationAA1-234First letter corresponds to month of expiration
1978Embossed reflective (glass-beaded) yellow serial on black plate with border line; 'MISSOURI' centered at top, '78' at top left and month of expiration at top rightnoneA1A-234First letter corresponds to month of expiration
1979Embossed reflective (glass-beaded) white serial on blue plate with border line; 'MISSOURI' centered at bottom, month of expiration at bottom left and '79' at bottom rightnoneAA1-234First letter corresponds to month of expiration

1980 to present[edit]

ImageDates issuedDescriptionSloganSerial formatSerials issuedNotes
1980–96Embossed reflective (glass-beaded) white serial on maroon plate with border line; 'MISSOURI' centered at top; month of expiration at top left'SHOW-ME STATE' centered at bottomAAB 123First letter corresponds to month of expiration
1986–96A1A 234
1995–961A2 34A
1997 – early 2006Embossed dark blue serial on reflective white, blue and green gradient plate; 'MISSOURI' screened in green, with wavy dark blue underline, centered at top'SHOW-ME STATE' screened in dark blue centered at bottom123 ABC001 AAA to 999 ZZZLetters I, O, Q, U and V not used in serials, and D used only as the first letter.[4]
early 2006 – June 15, 20081AB 23C0AA 01A to approximately 9DG 99G
June 16, 2008[5] – October 14, 2018Embossed dark blue on reflective light blue gradient fade with bluebird graphicShow Me StateAA1 B2CFirst letter corresponds to month of expirationLetters I, O and Q not used in serials.
October 15, 2018 – presentEmbossed dark blue on reflective white with red waves at top, blue waves at bottom and state seal in center'BICENTENNIAL' centered at top; '1821 * 2021' centered at bottomAA1 B2CFirst letter corresponds to month of expiration

Month coding[edit]

Since June 2008, serials on passenger and truck plates are coded by the month of the registration's expiration. The first letter of the serial constitutes this code. Once all available combinations beginning with the first letter assigned to that month are issued, a second code letter may be used for that month.

1949 to 1996[edit]

JanuaryA, V
FebruaryB, D
MarchC, L
AprilE, F
MayG, H
JuneJ, K
JulyM, N
AugustP, R
SeptemberS, W
OctoberX, T
NovemberY, U
DecemberZ, Q

2008 to present[edit]

JanuaryA, B
MarchD, E
AprilF, G
MayH, J
JuneK, L
JulyM, N
AugustP, R
SeptemberS, T
OctoberU, V
NovemberW, X
DecemberY, Z

Non-passenger plates[edit]

ImageTypeSerial formatNotes
Apportioned12A B3C
Bus123 45B
Commercial Trailer12A 345
Numerical portion of serial remains constant for each dealer; suffix letter ascends for each plate issued to that dealer.
Disabled AB 12CAll disabled plates expire in September.
Local GovernmentvariesVariety of designs issued for vehicles belonging to local governments.
MotorcycleAB 1CD
Trailer12A 3BC
Truck less than 6,000 lb.1AB 234

1AB C23

Coded by month of expiration.
Truck 6,000 to 12,000 lb.12A 3BC

Previous non-passenger plates[edit]

1998 base[edit]

ImageTypeLegendSerial formatSerials issuedNotes
Annual plates. Numerical portion of serial remained constant for each dealer; suffix letter ascended for each plate issued to that dealer.
Disabled PersonDisabledProgression of serial formats unknown, but included:
1 AB2
Disabled Person - Truck less than 6,000 lb.Disabled 1 A2B'BL6' embossed at top right.
MotorcyclenoneA1 234A0 001 to Z9 999
1A 2340A 001 to approximately 5S 000
Shuttle BusSHUTTLE BUS123 4SB
TrailerTRAILERABC 123Annual plates.
Trailer - CommercialCOMM TRL000 000
Trailer - HRC[clarification needed]HRC TLR000 000
Trailer - PermanentPERM TRLPA1 234
Truck 6,000 lb. and lessSHOW-ME STATE123 AB4000 AC1 to approximately 600 XR0'BL6' screened at top right. C, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, R and S used as second letter in serial.
Truck 6,000 to 12,000 lb.SHOW-ME STATE123 AB4000 AT1 to approximately 400 XT0'BL12' screened at top right. T, W, X, Y and Z used as second letter in serial.
U.S. SenateMember of CongressUSS-1Black on gold. Number indicates state's senior or junior senator.

Optional types[edit]

Optional types on this base continue to be issued, likely until January 2009. Most, if not all, optional types on this base were available in personalized format and with certain non-passenger designations. Where applicable, this designation was printed in a small rectangle screened in the upper right corner of the plate.

ImageTypeSloganSerial formatSerials issuedNotes
Fight Terrorism
God Bless America
Helping Schools
Purple Heart
St. Louis Cardinals
Southwest Missouri State University


  1. ^'Old Missouri License Plates'. LeatherLicensePlates.com. Retrieved August 3, 2017.
  2. ^'About Missouri License Plates'. Missouri Department of Revenue. Retrieved September 2, 2019.
  3. ^Garrish, Christopher (October 2016). 'Reconsidering the Standard Plate Size'. Plates. Vol. 62 no. 5. Automobile License Plate Collectors Association.
  4. ^Tanner, Eric N. 'Missouri License Plates'. allaboutlicenseplates.com. Retrieved March 6, 2018.
  5. ^Waters, Amelia (June 24, 2008). 'The Show-Me state's new license plate changed'. KHQA. Retrieved August 4, 2017.

External links[edit]

Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Vehicle_registration_plates_of_Missouri&oldid=919471878'