Orthopedic Surgery Book Pdf
Case Files Orthopaedic Surgery
Experience with clinical cases is key to excelling in your rotations and post-graduate training. Case Files: Orthopaedic Surgery gives you 45 true-to-life cases that illustrate concepts critical to managing common musculoskeletal injuries and conditions.
Not intended to serve as medical advice. Anyone seeking speciffc orthopaedic advice or assistance should consult his or her orthopaedic surgeon. Prepared for: Prepared by: Our knowledge of orthopaedics. Your best health. Rotator Cuff and Shoulder Conditioning Program Introduction 1 Additional Notes. A laminectomy is a procedure which involves removing bone of the vertebrae to allow for more space for the nerves. It relieves pressure on the nerves and decreases symptoms such as numbness, tingling, pain and weakness. Surgery will last approximately 2 to 3 hours. You will be in the hospital approximately 3 days.
Each case includes a concise and accurate patient presentation, key exam findings, and clear radiologic images where applicable. Additionally, cases include in-depth discussions of the injury or condition represented, replete with evidence-based practice recommendations, basic procedural tips and techniques, and discussion of potential complications, pitfalls, and ultimate patient outcomes. Review questions and clinical pearls reinforce learning.
- Learn from 45 high-yield cases, each with review questions
- Master key concepts with clinical pearls
- Polish your approach to clinical problems and think like a surgeon
- Perfect for students, orthopaedic interns, and residents who encounter orthopaedic conditions in daily practice
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